King Soopers Donates $44,000 to Weld Food Bank
Erie Store Clerk is a "Zero Hero" For Raising The Most

Monday, February 13, 2023
King Soopers presented the Weld Food Bank $44,000, which was raised by stores in Weld County through the King Soopers/9Cares Colorado Shares food drive at the end of 2022. The check was presented at the King Soopers location in Erie, Colorado. That store raised the most for the effort, a total of $13,359.71.
King Soopers Erie store associate Mubin Aslamy raised $3,300 of the donation. Aslamy was given a King Soopers "Zero Hero" jacket for his efforts to help families in northern Colorado facing food insecurity. King Soopers is on a mission to end hunger and eliminate waste in the places it calls home by 2025. The program is called "Zero Hunger, Zero Waste, hence the "Zero Hero" designation for Aslamy.
The Weld Food Bank serves all of Weld County, where one out of five adults and one out of four children face hunger. Because of its purchasing power and donations, the Weld Food Bank can provide three nutritious meals for every dollar donated. The King Soopers/9Cares Colorado Shares check for $44,000 will help provide 132,000 meals for Weld County residents facing food insecurity.
Pictured in the check presentation photo are (from left to right) Mario Bonilla, Weld Food Bank Food Resource & Transportation Manager, Bob O'Connor, Executive Director of Weld Food Bank, and King Soopers associate Mubin Aslamy.